Many African american in the north upset with white landlords as they are highly indebted to white landlords.
African Americans are really an ethnicity of Americans of full or partial roots at any of Africa's black racial groups. In particular, the sentence refers to the descendants of slaves from the U.S.
During the years of the sub-Reconstruction era the number of factory jobs in southern cities has only shrunk to a small proportion. Yet comparatively few black Americans purchased their own land in the South, most of the poor landowners being heavily indebted to white property owners.
The predominantly urban population in the north of Africa was not much different. European refugees were given the jobs they desired. A number of African Americans moved to the west in hope of change.
The clause is really a state's rights clause. A state may not pass a law that makes something illegal that was legal before the law was passed. In other words if a state suddenly passed a law that said it is no longer legal to park your car in front of any government building, but it was legal to do so yesterday, the police cannot come to your door and issue a ticket for parking in front of a government building because you did it yesterday.
The constitution actually uses the phrase ex post facto law in Article 1 Section 10 Clause 1.
Great use with dealing with the spirit world