<em>"There is a sense in which the Clause is no longer constitutionally relevant since it expired in 1808. At the time the Constitution was adopted, there was no guarantee whether or when the federal Congress would act to prohibit the importation of slaves. So there is a legitimate inquiry about what took place in the political realm over the 20-year period between the adoption of the Constitution and 1808. During that time period, popular support for the abolition of the slave trade and slavery itself increased both in the United States and in other countries. There was more support for restricting the slave trade initially than slavery itself in this time period. In the 1790s, Congress passed statutes regulating the trade in slaves by U.S. ships on the high seas. The United Kingdom and other countries also passed legislation restricting the slave trade, increasing international pressure on the United States to likewise curb the practice."</em>
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National elections
Start of Great Recession
Economic Stimulus Act of 2008
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
End of Great Recession
Cowboys originated in Mexico.
When the spanish conquerors arrived, they started stablishing ranchs and farms, and the role of the <em>vaquero </em>(from the spanish word <em>vaca</em>) was coined to name the men who took care of the livestock, and who were also good with certain skills like herding, roping and riding.
As the ranching practices were spread, so did the culture of the cowboy, including their clothing style and their skills.
The first cowboys had different backgrounds like Mexican, Native American and African American, among others.
An economy like the one America has... sorry im not sure what its called.. but basically, if there are less supplies, and more people wants it.. thats how supply and demand starts.
I think it is market economy
It was acts passed by the radical Republicans in 1867. These acts separated the south and the north