A man and his wife went in for fertility testing after trying to have a baby for over a year. After examining the man’s sperm un
der the microscope, the doctor told the man that his sperm do not swim properly. Their tails seem smaller and the doctor suspects that the man has a genetic disorder affecting the proteins in the tails, preventing his sperm from swimming efficiently to unite with his wife’s egg. Which organelle or cellular structure is faulty? Explain your answer.
This is the organelle for regulating protein synthesis in cells.It is made up of the small and big submits. These sub units collectively ensure the process of translation of protein my ensuing the correct synchronisation of condoms not he smaller nit of ribosomes with the anti codons on the tRNA with the to give a designated protein.
Therefore if there is mutation -deletion or substitution in the codons and anti codons,.this may affect bring frame shift which affects the protein translated leading to wrong protein formation.
Mitochondria is the organelle that gives the sperm power to swim.Therefore the protein that codes for mitochondrial is faulty and this affects the the tail from swimming properly.since ribosomes is the source of protein this is the correct answer
The correct answer would be through adaptation and eventually over time they had to evolve to the area around them which made them develop over time to have longer necks .
Dorsal means back as in the back area. Example~ Many dolphins have a pronounced beak and all have a central dorsal fin and sharp teeth for feeding, mainly on squid and fish.