Woman in both civilizations were expected to serve men.
The massive turmoil that the Reformation caused had a lasting impact on European politics. Soon after the Catholic Church deemed Martin Luther a “protestant,” Europe became divided along confessional, as well as territorial, lines. The religious turmoil of the period led to warfare within most states and between many.
I am from newworkooooooooo
C. wanted to establish a French Republic.
The radicals in France wanted to overthrow the monarchy and establish a republic form of government to mimic that of the United States.
Moderates believed a republic was too far of a leap for a country with the tradition of monarchy. They wanted to create a parliamentary system like Great Britain that would maintain a monarchy and have representation. Conservatives wanted to maintain the monarchy and as a result were often the target of the radical government. Robespierre and the Jacobins launched a government meant to be a republic which turned into a dictatorship filled with bloodshed at the blade of the guillotine.
William Shakespeare (1564–1616) and Christopher Marlowe (1564–1593) were born in the same year, but Marlowe died much earlier, meaning that he had a far shorter literary career. They both were the sons of tradesmen but their careers were quite different. ... Marlowe and Shakespeare wrote both poetry and drama.