And ‘I don’t know’ should be followed by the effort to know, the research necessary to find out” (Vol. 2, p. 43). Maybe it’s the schooling atmosphere in which so many of us were raised, but somehow we have hard-wired it into our brains that saying “I don’t know” is admitting defeat. It is an embarrassmThe psychologist William Marsten polled over 3,000 people with the question; “What do you have to live for?” Only 6 percent responded that they had a major definite purpose for their life…94 PERCENT did not!! I was shocked! But, it does go a long way in explaining why so many people underachieve and waste so much of their potential.ent.
The image that they surfaced was to undermined Tha reputation of the United States as a country that is mainly to adheres to standards of civilized behavior and the rule of law that was stated.
Stalin wanted control of the world by spreading communism. He refused to allow free elections in Poland and he was the cause of the Korean War.
I think that two of the best examples of this would be the independance of India from the British. I think it fits that time period but pls double check, there are probably several other islands and such that have been liberated since then.
The freeing of Algeria from the French is also a great example of rebellion because of the advantages and abuse of imperialists that were present in the country.
Hope that helps!