I made some corrections:
If I was to write about the history of my family, I have to do it by following these three steps, which are finding, evaluating, and interpreting sources. To find the information needed, I could ask my grandparents or talk to grown-up people in the family as they might know a lot more than others as they are older. To verify what they answered, I could find records of my family if there's one or take a look at old pictures for verification and further information as well. After I found the resources, I have to evaluate them. To evaluate, I would compare different people's stories with the sources I got around my family, especially with people who have the same background as my family. I could also ask them again for them to verify. Lastly, it's time for the interpretation of the sources. To interpret, I would think about what I've learned from steps 1 and 2. I could ask grown-ups for their thoughts and experience on it as they might know much better than me.
Sir\Lady what is the question?
Relative pronouns please provide the proper english translation for each respective latin relative pronoun in the text below. 1. baucis philemonem qui erat coniunx eius (her) amavit. baucis loved philemon ________ was her spouse. 2. mercurius et iuppiter domum (insert to+domum) eorum (their) quae erat parva venerunt. mercury and jupiter came to their home ______was little 3. baucis et philemon deis omnem cibum quo vixerunt (they lived) donaverunt. baucis and philemon gave to the gods all the food ______ they lived 4. dei viderunt cibum esse magnum donum quod baucis et philemon vix (scarcely) donare potuerunt (were able). the gods thought that the food was a great gift _____ baucis and philemon scarcely were able to offer. 5. dei eis (to them) ab quibus magna virtus monstrata erat, donum magnum donare cupiverunt. "unum desiderium habetis" dei dixerunt. the gods wished to give a great gift to them ______ great virtue had been shown. âyou have one wish,â said the
1. ...who
2. ...which
3. ...with which
4. ...that
5. ...in which
6. ...whom
7. ...whose love
Please mark Brainliest:)
that is not a world language question