The decomposition of marine plants that depletes dissolved oxygen
For air masses to form fronts, they must collide with each other. B.
The nurse should respond in a calm way and explain the effect of having to be pregnant. The nurse should respond to client that mothers who are usually pregnant gains weight than their weight before they were pregnant and it is only normal and not unhealthy as this happens and is already normal to happen.
Each is a mini-ecosystems and a representation of much larger ecosystems found on earth. The mini ecosystem is the terrarium
A terrarium is the accumulation of small plants that are being grown in the transparent, or sealed container. It is a closed environment type and are mostly used to know how the ecosystem works within itself. Inside that small container, we can observe various natural processes like photosynthesis, respiration, as well as water cycle. Some small plants cannot adapt well in the home environment, so they can be grown in the terrarium. If they are properly planted and taken care of they can grow with minimum care. By this we can grow indoor plants with less care.