Malala gets her passion for education from her father and admires his passion to give encouraging speeches. She also does not wear a lot of embroidered clothes or own fancy jewelry, just like her father. Even with the threats of the Taliban, Malala and her father still fight for education.
The -coordinate of the midpoint is found by averaging the -coordinates of the two endpoints. Since is the midpoint of and , we'll let be one, one and be two, two. The midpoint will be located at negative seven plus six over two, negative four plus negative nine over two.
The correct answer is the last option.
To credit a source means to ACKNOWLEDGE WHERE YOU FOUND A SOURCE. In order to avoid plagiarism, the writer has to cite the sources where he found information, being the most common citation formats APA or MLA. The citation style to use will depend on the topic to discuss in the paper.
respectfully is correct buh yours y doesn't need to be capitalized
1. According to the Haida myth, it is possible to realize that they lived in a warm region, which meant that they could dress in lighter and fresher fabrics, in addition to allowing them to wear few clothes. Usually the clothes were made of cedar wood and leather, however in rainy moments it was common for them to use wool.
2. The Haidas lived on an island. However, this island was part of the cumin made by some traders who were going through trade routes. This allowed the Haida to have a certain contact with other human beings, even if not a direct contact. It is possible, even, that this island had other tribes, with which the Haida could interact.
3. These types of interactions made the Haida see themselves as a single people and this sense of belonging stimulated not only a sense of community, but also a cultural sense and traditions.
4. The Haidas were excellent navigators, which gave them many advantages in trade, wars and other elements that had navigation as a factor of relevance.