Walt Whitman was born May 31, 1819.
The satanic ritual in the forest where YGB yells out for Faith to resist.
I hope it helped
Clarkson was an Englishman who fought against slavery in the British Empire.
His studying started with an essay about slavery and is it legal to make people slaves against their will. His whole life he wanted to abolish slavery.
He has been collecting the proofs about slavery, and sailors helped him with the information because they were transporting the slaves.
He wanted to leave an impact on people by showing them photos and artifacts as proof of slavery. He wanted to show that Africans were very skilled people who were good workers and that they shouldn’t have been treated as slaves. His collection of proofs he took everywhere with him. He also had visual objects to help him to argument his statements.
After his whole life of fighting, slavery in the British Empire was abolished in 1807.
censorship means the suppression of ant parts of a book
evolution means the gradual development of some thing
ratify means to give consent to something
mass media refers to an array of media technologies