The phrase “Global South” refers broadly to the regions of Latin America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania. It is one of a family of terms, including “Third World” and “Periphery,” that denote regions outside Europe and North America, mostly (though not all) low-income and often politically or culturally mar- ginalized.
Water restrictions are put in place, so less water is to be used. Fires are more likely to happen. You can get arrested for waste of water. Also, people where masks and other devices to keep blowing dirt out of their nose mouth and eyes.
Trust me I lived in Amarillo Texas for a while and we were drier than the dust bowl.
The city of Pisa was at the beginning a simple but important Italian seaport. With its growth, so did its religious buildings. Its fame and power grew gradually over the years, as the people of Pisa were involved in various military conflicts and trade agreements.
Well it looks like it will be sunny and get drop from 81 to 72 over night and, It will rise again to 81 degrees tomorrow.