The Fordney-McCumber Tariff Act raised tariffs above the level set in 1913; it also authorized the president to raise or lower a given tariff rate by 50% in order to even out foreign and domestic production costs
400 years ago America consisted of a few colonies, financed by private investments, whose inhabitants were mainly religious minorities.
The experiment was both a religious and an economic one: to develop a colony, in the other side of the world, where a religious, homogeneous minoroty could develop an economy, mostly self-sustaining, but also with the goal of trading with the local inhabitants.
José Protasio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda
yes beacuse thats the law, but to a certain extent because by law once you are inccarerared you are now a slave to the staye but crimes comminted againdt a felyon are also un-lawful.