The TCP/IP is the transmission control protocol and internet protocol and in the TCP/IP model the transport layer is the second layer.
The primary responsibility of this layer is that it is basically used to deliver messages to the host and that is why it is known as end to end layer.
It basically provide the point to point connection between the destination to server host for delivering the various types of the services efficiently and reliably.
In the TCP/IP model the transport layer are basically responsible for transferring the data or service error free between the server to destination host.
In the given case the product that has the highest Dec. Cust. Survey score will be treated as most competitive at the end of last year. Based on the information provided in the "Top Products in Thrift Segment" table, we can conclude that Bell has highest score for Dec. Cust. Survey score which stands at 31.
Please see attachment for the product list we referenced to as non was given.
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A server stores data for a client computer to access and use, and pretty self eplanitory for a client computer