DNS server because that can be changed manually to googles( or many others) aswell as the default
dd if=/dev/drive1 of=/dev/backup
Linux operating system is an open-source computer application readily available to system operators. The terminal is a platform in the operating system used to write scripts like bash and directly communicate with the system kernel.
There are two commands used in bash to copy files, the "cp" and "dd". The dd is mostly used to copy files from one storage or partition to another. The syntax of dd is;
dd if= (source partition/directory) of= (target partition/directory)
decrease x property,It would go left
decrease y property, it would go down
Answer and Explanation:
Using Javascript:
Class Dog{
var healthScores=[];
Constructor(name, age, ...healthScores) {this.name=name;
checkObject(new Dog){
If(new Dog.name===this.name,new Dog.age===this.age, new Dog.healthScores===this.healthScores){return true;
console.log("objects are not equal");
To call the method checkObject:
var Tesa = new Dog(Tes,1,[45,46,82]);
var Bingo = new Dog(bing,2,[43,46,82]);
Note: we have used ES6(latest version of Javascript) where we passed the healthScore parameter(which is an array) to our constructor using the spread operator.
The answer to the above question is:
d. all of the above