It revealed that Gatsby wanted companionship.
Jay Gatsby was a very over the top person. He hosted very elaborate partied and lived a eccentric lifestyle in hopes of attracting the attention of one person. Nick was the one person that he be friended the whole time that he lived there. He grew to be very fond of Nick. When Nick withdrew himself from Jay, he became alone which is something that he could not deal with.
The appropriate pronoun for this sentence is "he".
Douglass then asks a rhetorical question: "Are the great principles of political freedom and of natural justice, embodied in that Declaration of Independence
corporeal: bodily, fleshly
Inferred definition: relating to the human body
corpulent: obese, overweight
Inferred definition: fat
corps: unit, division, troop
Inferred definition: a military troop/unit
. The ghost appears to Hamlet and tells Hamlet to revenge<span> his </span>murder<span>; Hamlet feigns madness to his intentions; Hamlet stages the </span>mousetrap play<span>; Hamlet passes up the opportunity to kill Claudius while he is praying.</span>