Я ничего не знаю, потому что я сумасшедший. Я сумасшедший, потому что мои друзья сумасшедшие.
(a letter Sodapop gave Dallas to pass onto Ponyboy while he was staying at the church, because Soda knew Dallas knew where the boys were)
elegance and bygone days
Harpsichord is an older-fashioned keyboard which represents elegance and Boudoir is a private sitting room which is a more wealthy, elegant feature of a home. He utilizes these elements to portray these bygone days.
Xpiyacoc and Xmucane are important because they are the grandparents of the twin heroes, as the second answer option shows.
<h3>Who are Xpiyacoc and Xmucane?</h3>
- They are old gods.
- They are gods linked to the Maya religion.
- They are part of the Mayan creation tales.
Xpiyacoc and Xmucane are their Mayans responsible for the creation of men and the wood used in the houses, utensils, and daily life of human beings. In addition, they are the grandparents of the twin heroes, who are very important to the Mayan culture.
Learn more about the Mayans: