3. A case appealed from a lower court
The Federal circuit courts are the only courts that have appellate jurisdiction. Cases do not originate in these courts as these courts only hear appeals form the lower federal courts. US Supreme Court is the highest court having both appellate and original jurisdiction.
There are 13 appellate court, they are commonly known as US court of appeals. All the 94 federal judicial district are categorised into 12 regional circuits and there is a court of appeals for each one of them. An appellate court is also known as court of second instance, appeal court and court of appeals.
Those countries were known as the "non-aligned nations." The Non-Aligned Movement was initiated by the leaders of Yugoslavia, India, Indonesia, Egypt and Ghana. Many other nations joined in their movement to keep free of commitments to the two superpowers, the USA and the USSR. At the Bandung Conference in 1955, twenty-nine nations were represented. The Belgrade Conference in 1961 was the first official summit of the Non-Aligned Movement. Member nations attending that conference were Afghanistan, Algeria, Burma, Cambodia, Ceylon, the Congo, Cuba, Cyprus, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Lebanon, Mali, Morocco, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, the Sudan, Tunisia, Yemen, and Yugoslavia. <span>Bolivia, Brazil, and Ecuador attended as observer nations. (Note also that Cuba was an original participant in the movement, but then ended up aligning with the USSR.)</span>
identifies the political legitimacy,