At his death eleven years later, Alexander ruled the largest empire of the ancient world. His victory at the battle of Gaugamela on the Persian plains was a decisive conquest that insured the defeat of his Persian rival King Darius III.
well i dont actually know
i just do not know
1) Making Inferences In what ways do you think the events during Elizabeth’s youth molded her character?
- Although these events somewhat traumatized the Princess, they also molded her into a strong, independent personality.
2) Interpreting Significance Queen Elizabeth’s refusal to marry was a controversial political decision at the time. Why? Why might Elizabeth have chosen to remain single?
- Because there could not be a queen in a monarchy before a country without a king, it was necessary if or if (male chauvinism of the time). Moreover, Elizabeth decided not to marry anyone, because her greatest wish was to be committed to her country, to be loved and respected by its inhabitants/citizens; and to reign on the throne of England until the day she died.
my sister was almost stolen true story
a person came at 3 am in the morning and got my sister she cried waking us up we garbed a gun and he put her down. that was our neighbor so we called the cops as well he didn't go to jail and we were fined for "making up this story and planting evidence" omg how did they bye that garbage from that dush!!!! any way 500 bucks were gone and we steel were kinda poor but 1 month later dad got his new job and now he makes $20,000 a year well $16,000 because of the governments theft but all good. now for the past 14 years hes had that job and now we live in a 3 story house!!! the end.