The Iran–Contra Scandal (Persian: ماجرای ایران-کنترا, Spanish: caso Irán-Contra), also referred to as Irangate,[1] Contragate[2] or the Iran–Contra affair, was a political scandal in the United States that occurred during the second term of the Reagan Administration. Senior administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran, which was the subject of an arms embargo.[3] The administration hoped to use the proceeds of the arms sale to fund the Contras in Nicaragua. Under the Boland Amendment, further funding of the Contras by the government had been prohibited by Congress.
The official justification for the arms shipments was that they were part of an operation to free seven American hostages being held in Lebanon by Hezbollah, a paramilitary group with Iranian ties connected to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. The plan was for Israel to ship weapons to Iran, for the United States to resupply Israel, and for Israel to pay the United States. The Iranian recipients promised to do everything in their power to achieve the release of the hostages.[4][5] However, as documented by a congressional investigation, the first Reagan-sponsored secret arms sales to Iran began in 1981 before any of the American hostages had been taken in Lebanon. This fact ruled out the "arms for hostages" explanation by which the Reagan administration sought to excuse its behavior.[6]
Nirvana. It is the goal in following the Noble Eight-fold Path.
Andrew Jackson!
Andrew Jackson introduced the spoils system to the federal government. The practice, epitomized by the saying "to the victory belong the spoils," involved placing party supporters into government positions.
Based from the diary entry, it would seem as though the Germans were ready for the Americans to attack. They put mines and obstacles in the sea and on land to deter the approaching army. They used a German 88mm gun-- a long-range anti-air craft, anti-tank, anti-personnel gun most feared by the Allies-- to gun down American soldiers.
Despite these diffulties, the American soldiers drew inspiration and strength to continue fighting under the leadership of Gen. Theodore Roosevelt Jr., son of President Theodore Roosevelt, one of the highest-ranking officer on the beach during D-day
1. D. Iron Curtain
2. A. True
3. B. "NATO"