Continual melt from glaciers contributes water to the ecosystem throughout dry months, creating perennial stream habitat and a water source for plants and animals. The cold runoff from glaciers also affects downstream water temperatures.
Great Society was a failure.
(It is a great idea to help poor people. There will always be poor people. No matter what you do.)
Also too much money was being dumped in Vietnam, and Johnson was not paying attention. Should have maybe pulled troops out of Vietnam then started his Communist ideas.
Sorry maybe a bit too rough. But they were. Some people will work harder then others, why should they not get paid more for what they do?
A, E
The Phoenicians invented an alphabet of 22 characters denoting consonants. This alphabet then became the basis of the Greek, Latin, and Slavic alphabets. They radically improved shipbuilding, laid routes to the very ‘limits’ of the world known in their era, and even significantly extended these limits. In a sense, they became the first “globalizers" – they connected Europe, Asia and Africa with an all-pervasive web of trade routes.
Their method of building the fleet implied the introduction of certain standards, and, therefore, some system of measures and weights. These standards became common in the Mediterranean region. For example, the king of the Greek city of Argos - Fidon - introduced a unified system of measures of length and weight ("Fidon measures"), based on the Phoenician standards.
JamesTown was able to prosper because of The tobacco they grew boosted morale and economy then they had joint making which boosted money making growth.