In 1781 the Revolutionary war had started
The issue of race in South Africa is an ongoing societal conflict. This conflict seemingly began in the colonial-era when the South African region attracted European attention with its minerals, riches, and resources. This led to areas being governed by both the British and Dutch, who even after the abolishment of slavery in the area, continued to bring in slaves. During the apartheid era, white majority rule was maintained and promoted the separation of whites and people of color (Africans, Indians, and Asians) who were sometimes former slaves. Post-apartheid (apartheid=segregation by race) South Africa’s history still feels the effects of these past issues with the continuing violence, racism, and hate crimes between whites and people of color in the area.
The German nightmare was a war on two fronts. Historically, Russia needed time to ‘mobilize’, that is, to call up reservists, equip them, and assign them to their regiments and platoons. So the logical way of operating was to attack and defeat the French first, before attacking the Russians. But in 1914 the Russians cheated; they mobilised before they announced it so their army was in the field quite a long time before the Germans expected it — and the dreaded war on two fronts materialised. The Germans were lucky in that their effective commander Ludendorff (who was technically 2ic) moved his troops about by train, so they were not already exhausted by a long and hurried march and were able to throw the Russians back into complete confusion and surrender.
So the Russians were defeated but not mortally injured, the French came close to defeat but just managed to stabilise a front, and the ‘despicable English Army’ saved itself from disaster by the narrowest Of margins.
Four years of continuous bloody slaughter were assured.
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