c. Parrots are always present when a character has an important revelation.
I hope this helps.
he makes a point of saying how nice he was to the old man the week before killing him so the man wouldn't suspect anything
The servant can’t read so he asks romeo to read the invitation.
The correct way to say B is "It<u>'</u>s a known fact that snakes are not popular pets.
The correct way to say C is "<u>There's</u> a story going around the building that Herman got out one day last week."
A can be said 2 ways "My <u>neighbor's</u> pet is the subject of much discussion in our apartment building." Or "My <u>neighbors'</u> pet is the subject of much discussion in our apartment building."
D can be said 2 ways" Most people in the building will not admit <u>their</u> afraid of snakes." or "Most people in the building will not admit <u>they're</u> afraid of snakes."
about the robber:
the robber has been arrested by the police.2
about the students:
the students were told to be quiet.