In the "Great Compromise," every state was given equal representation, previously known as the New Jersey Plan, in one house of Congress, and proportional representation, known before as the Virginia Plan, in the other.
A representative serves 2 years and a senator serves 6 years.
They were concerned in giving the national government more power.
They felt that the states had too much power.
They felt that the Constitution did nothing to protect the peoples' rights
The main issues the Antifederalists had
with the US Constitution was that they felt the national government had too much power, the constitution did not protect the rights of people, and the states had too much power.
Anti-Federalists were against the 1787 United States Constitution because they did not feel the Constitution protected the rights of the people and the central government wielded much power.
I believe that the Atlantic slave trade contributed to conditions that eventually led to the Haitian revolution by resulting in African slaves making up the vast majority of St Domingue's population thus giving them strength in numbers to overthrow a slave system and form their own sovereign government.
Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina was one of the four forts that had not yet been captured by the Confederates, so Lincoln wanted to keep the fort at all costs in order to keep the Union's strenght in the South. He sent unarmed ships to supply the fort with military and food supplies. The Confederate President Jefferson Davis gave command to Southern forces led by General Beauregard to bomb the fort on April 12 to force it to surrender, which happened.
The Northern states all supported Lincoln. He called for the fortresses to be reclaimed and the Union to be preserved. At the same time, 75,000 volunteers were called up for a period of 90 days. In the previous months, several governors had trained their militias. Their troops started to move the next day.