A refutation is a kind of counter argument. You are opposing an answer by denying it and offering evidence to show it is not true.
Concessions is not quite the same thing. You are letting go of part of an argument so that you can hold on to the better part that could win.
2 the volcano erupted in the early afternoon of August 24,A.D.79, and the residents of Pompeii,four miles away,were able to see and hear the explosion,which sent a huge black cloud into the sky
Later still, Jared gets into a fight with Manny after making a racist joke, and his parents decide to press charges against Manny for hitting their son. This lawsuit never comes to fruition, though, since Manny is shot and killed by Officer Tison. This deeply upsets Jared, who eventually does go to Yale.
First successful experimental release, tracking, and recapture of red wolves on Bulls Island, South Carolina, solidifies reintroduction techniques