The colors of the first flag for USA are red, white and blue.
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The British partitioned Bengal so that the province of Bengal can be easily and more safely governed compared to the large province being governed as a single province.
At the time of the partition, Bengal was the largest province of the Indian states under the Britishers. The Lieutenant Governor Lord Curzon believed that it will be easier to "divide" the province and rule if the province is made into smaller provinces.
Following the policy of "divide and rule", Bengal was partitioned into two- East and West Bengal, separating the Hindus and Muslim population. Though the 'alleged' intention was to separate Bengal and not on religious grounds, the separation ended in a chasm between the Hindus and Muslims. But the main reason for the Partition of Bengal was for administrative purposes, to make the governing of the provinces easier and more accessible.
Management and Executive time / input
Efficient utilization of resources: The most essential function of economic planning is to ensure the best use of given resources within the country. Maximum social benefits can only be ensured when the available resources are allocated and utilized in the most efficient manner.
C. Georgia and Armenia.
Christianity refers to the Abrahamic religion which is typically based on the teachings of Jesus Christ.
The first two countries in the world to declare Christianity as the national religion were Georgia and Armenia.
Armenia was the first country in the world to accept and declare Christianity as its official religion. This was due to the miraculous healing received by its ruler known by the name Tiridates. He got converted to being a Christian in 301 AD and declared the Kingdom of Armenia a Christian nation.
Georgia was declared a Christian nation in 326 AD by Kartli.