The monthly payment under standard repayment is typically about 1.0% to 1.3% of the total loan balance when the loan entered repayment. So, inthe situation, we assumed that he took $30,000 student loan, it is expeceted that he would pay back 1% of the loan amount monthly (aprrox. $300).
<em>The payment does not seem reasonable due to the fact that the amount she earns as salary is low and would not allow her to meet her other personal needs.</em>
When you show someone an act of kindness they will pass it on. Although they might forget what you did, they will never forget how it made them feel. Your act of kindness will continue to change peoples lives every single day. It will never end
If you have ever witnessed or done a kind act for someone, you know it feels great. Has the person in front of you in the drive-through line ever paid for you or your parents' food? How did that make you feel? That person has never met you, they only did it because they wanted to be kind.
The Bill of Rights is the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution. These amendments guarantee essential rights and civil liberties, such as the right to free speech and the right to bear arms, as well as reserving rights to the people and the states.
The mandate system allowed Europeans take control over the resources of Asian countries.
World War 1 altered the Middle East in a manner not experienced before. The Europeans had finally tookover specific countries such as Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and Arabia. In the course of the World War 1, Britain and France deployed agents and armies to the Middle East to cause rebellion and have a stronghold on Syria, Pakistan and Iran.
In 1916, British and French diplomats came to an unanimous decision to secretly split the Middle East. The decision was at some points substituted with a different agreement which developed a mandate system of British and French control. Based on the mandate system, Lebanon and Syria were apportioned to the French while Palestine, Iraq and three Ottoman provinces were apportioned to the British.
The claming of the conqured Asian countries were overseered by the winning countries as it was thought that the conquered nations are not set to lead their activities by themselves. The mandate system gave authority to the Europeans mostly the Britain and France as they established their control and affluence on the Middle East. This provoked more Arabs who hoped to have more say over their resources instead of being guided by the Europeans.