Germanmilitary potential was much greater than Japan, so
Explanation: German military potential was much greater than Japan, so the United States government, along with the United Kingdom, decided they were the greater threat to the Allies, and should be dealt with first, if necessary at the expense of the Pacific theater, as once Germany was defeated, Japan could be defeated later.
Escaping slavery would have been much more deadly and difficult without help from people along the way.
One of the most well-known organized networks of escape is the so-called Underground Railroad. Actually, white people (such as Quakers) were the ones who helped slaves not only leave their owners, but also survive and find sanctuary in the Northern states or Canada through informal abolitionist associations.
She worked through the Board of National Popular Education (1847–48), a private agency headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, and in 1852 founded the American Woman's Educational Association to recruit and train teachers to staff schools on the frontier.
She worked through the Board of National Popular Education (1847–48), a private agency headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, and in 1852 founded the American Woman's Educational Association to recruit and train teachers to staff schools on the frontier.