Los bienes físicos son aquellos objetos que pueden tocarse y verse, como pueden ser un abrigo, unos zapatos, un coche, …
Los servicios intangibles son aquellos trabajos realizados por otras personas como abogados, doctores, peluqueros, …
On the night of November 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall—the most potent symbol of the cold-war division of Europe—came down. Earlier that day, the Communist authorities of the German Democratic Republic had announced the removal of travel restrictions to democratic West Berlin. Thousands of East Germans streamed into the West, and in the course of the night, celebrants on both sides of the wall began to tear it down.
The collapse of the Berlin Wall was the culminating point of the revolutionary changes sweeping East Central Europe in 1989. Throughout the Soviet bloc, reformers assumed power and ended over 40 years of dictatorial Communist rule. The reform movement that ended communism in East Central Europe began in Poland. Solidarity, an anti-Communist trade union and social movement, had forced Poland’s Communist government to recognize it in 1980 through a wave of strikes that gained international attention. In 1981, Poland’s Communist authorities, under pressure from Moscow, declared martial law, arrested Solidarity’s leaders, and banned the democratic trade union. The ban did not bring an end to Solidarity. The movement simply went underground, and the rebellious Poles organized their own civil society, separate from the Communist government and its edicts.
Based from the diary entry, it would seem as though the Germans were ready for the Americans to attack. They put mines and obstacles in the sea and on land to deter the approaching army. They used a German 88mm gun-- a long-range anti-air craft, anti-tank, anti-personnel gun most feared by the Allies-- to gun down American soldiers.
Despite these diffulties, the American soldiers drew inspiration and strength to continue fighting under the leadership of Gen. Theodore Roosevelt Jr., son of President Theodore Roosevelt, one of the highest-ranking officer on the beach during D-day
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