When the amount of dissolved minerals in ocean or lake water reach saturation they begin to <u>Precipitate</u> and build up as a deposit on the sea or lake bottom
When a solute cannot be further get absorbed by a solvent beyond a certain threshold, that limit is known as Saturation . Crystallization occurs when solution is saturated. This allows the solution to reach a lower energy state. Therefore when the amount of dissolved minerals in a lake or ocean reach saturation, it cannot absorb more minerals. It then need to precipitate the excess amount .
Snowfall is best example of saturation and precipitation. When the water holding capacity of air is exceeded, i.e., when the air is saturated with water, it forms small crystals which crystallizes several times and become heavy and fall (precipitate) as snow under right temperature conditions .
<span>Waters in the eastern Pacific steadily gets warmer </span> El Nino is caused by the periodic shift in wind speed and direction in the tropical eastern Pacific which leads to changes in sea Surface temperatures.