Surface tension is the property of water which allows for some lightweight insects to walk on top of a pond and not fall in. The molecules of water are held together by cohesive forces. The molecules of water present below the surface experience this cohesive force from all the directions, whereas the water molecules present on the surface experience a downward pull, as the force is not balanced. This leads to the concaving of the water surface inside a small tube.
Any drug sold in the supermarkets, convenient stores etc without prescriptions are called OTC-medication or over the counter drugs.
They are the group of drugs commonly abused by young adults. Recommendation by National Institute on Drug Abuse is that , any use of drug not related to medical purpose, but for mind-altering effects or arousal is regarded as an abuse. No doubt these drugs are obtained over the counter because they are very easy to get, very cheap and legalized by law to buy, thus easily accessible.
They drugs are high in contents which produces psychoactive effects when imbibed in over dose, and some may have damaging effects on the kidney and liver.
Other effects on the body physiology includes headaches, vomiting, nausea, seizures, tremors. etc.
If you are checking a cell for a zero value and the cell is blank, the test evaluates to true. For example, if you have the following formula in cell A1 =IF(B1=0,"zero","blank") and B1 is blank, the formula returns "zero" and not "blank" as expected.
If the range might contain a blank cell, you should use the ISBLANK function to test for a zero value, as in the following example: =IF(ISBLANK(B2),"blank",IF(B2=0,"zero","other")) Note that the above formula returns "zero" if there is a zero value in the cell, "blank" if the cell is blank, and "other" if anything else is in the cell.
You must always use the ISBLANK formula first before you test for a zero value. Otherwise you will always return a "true" for the zero value, and never get to the test for the ISBLANK formula.
If they are decreased at the same time and the same amount is being taken away from them at the same time then the gravitational force would stay the same but if they are be decreased one then the other they will go back and forth
The answer is; C
A wetland in an area in the environment that is regularly or constantly inundated with water either from precipitation or due to proximity to riverbeds. Other than watersheds, other wetlands include marshlands, mangroves, lakes, rivers, and etc.