Sales manager and buyer the organization acts in an ethically questionable manner
a. downstream; upstream
Organizations and activities that are close to the end customer in a supply chain are said to be downstream activities, while organizations and activities that are close to the supplier in the supply chain are said to be upstream activities.
Upstream activities are those activities which bring information, raw materials to your organization in order to turn them into finished goods. Anything coming inside of your organization is simply termed as upstream portion of your entire supply chain.
Whereas, anything which is going out of your organization is defied as the downstream activities, which are mostly finished products. It is the mechanism which helps you reaching your goods to the final consumers in an efficient way. Both upstream and downstream activities are very much important for any organization's supply chain. If managed properly, it can proved you with a sustainable competitive advantage which will be very hard for the competitors to meet.
Not really, too much stress imo
Answer: Project manager
A project manager is a qualified person in the field of project management. Project managers are responsible for the planning, directing, procurement and the execution of a project. Project managers are the first point of contact when issues arise from various departments in the organization before the problem reaches higher authorities.
The project manager is responsible for project management. The project manager does not really take part directly in the things done to produce the end result, but makes sure there is progress and fulfillment of the organizational goals.
The correct answer for the for loop is:
for (int i=1; i<200; i++){
if ((i%2)==0 && (i%3)==0){
cout << i << " ";
Python offers three options for running the loops. For iterating repeatedly through a sequence, use a for loop (that is either a list, a tuple, a dictionary, a set, or a string). This functions more like an iterator method seen in other object-oriented programming languages and is less like the for keyword found in other programming languages. The for loop allows us to run a series of instructions once for each element of a list, tuple, set, etc. There is no need to set an indexing variable before using the for loop.
Write a for loop that prints, in ascending order, all the positive integers less than 200 that are divisible by both 2 and 3, separated by spaces.
Learn more about loops here: