One way would be to limit who can receive a passport or visa to travel to another country and another would be at the entrance to the country they may not be admitted for example due to inadequate funds to live. In my case, when I travelled by bus from Costa Rica to Panama, the Panamanian authorities required that I either have a ticket out of the country or a return ticket back to San Jose, Costa Rica.
Their change in position is caused by the movements of the tectonic plates.
Because peter the great had conquered the area formerly known as petrograd
Answer: Amazon forest
Explanation: Human activities which is majorly deforestation through logging, farming and town development has destroyed the natural habitats of animals such as birds, ant and birds in the Amazon rainforest most especially in the Brazilian aspect of the forest.
For a geographer Map is the most important tool
Apart from the above geographers rely on various tools and techniques which are both Qualitative and Quantitative. Such as the Primary and secondary sources of data like surveys, questionnaires, and journals, etc. Apart from this use of satellite data to generate a comparative analysis of objects and there processing in terms of software i.e the GIS, GPS that store and breaks the data into an understandable format. Use of mental maps to understand the spatial construct of humans and the use of Aerial photography to help the geographers do an in-depth analysis of the landscape. Tools like the map which is again divided into various types such as the topological maps, hydrological maps, physiological, political and many more are essential tools of any geographer.