<u>B - A theory that stated if Vietnam fell to communism the rest of the region would soon follow.</u>
People were afraid that once Vietnam fell into communism that surrounded places would soon follow. Vietnam would be the first domino to fall and hit the rest of the region causes more communism.
transform plate boundary
Tectonic setting of the San Andreas Fault (transform plate boundary) in California, the subduction zone (convergent plate boundary: oceanic-continental collision) in the Pacific Northwest.
Colonialism hindered a LEDCs level of development. A colony helped supply food and minerals to countries like Britain and France. ... In many cases gold, diamonds and other valuable resources were taken back to the home countries leaving the colony with little material wealth.
Higher silica content means higher viscosity. But lower temperatures and low gas content mean higher viscosity. Hence, lower viscosity and low gas content mean higher temperature of magma.
Single family units are more common in the suburbs and multiple housing units like apartment and condominium units are more common in the city core or at least this is the way housing is in the city of Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada.