Explained below:
Perforating fibers: Accepted term based
Meissner corpuscle: Eponym ( discovered by Georg Meissner and Rudolf Wagner)
Islets of Langerhans: Eponym ( discovered by German pathological anatomist Paul Langerhans).
Intestinal Crypts: Accepted term based
Nephron loop: Accepted term based
Loop of Henle: Eponym ( discovered by German anatomist Friedrich Gustav Jakob Henle).
Tactile Cells: Accepted term
Crypts of Lieberkühn: Eponym ( discovered by German anatomist Johann Nathanael Lieberkühn.
Brunner's Gland: Eponym ( discovered by Swiss physician, Johann Conrad Brunner).
Sharpey's fibers: Eponym ( discovered by Scottish anatomist William Sharpey).
Bundle of His: Eponym ( discovered by cardiologist and anatomist Wilhelm His Jr).
Hepatopancreatic sphincter: Accepted term based