Approximately 7%
I found this answer in an article from around 2015 so it should probably be higher since the demand for large animal vets is higher currently
What do you think plants need to grow and stay healthy? Soil, water, sunlight, and oxygen. 2. Soil is a combination of tiny rock fragments and decayed plant materials.
All of the above is the answer because they are all an important factor in the formation of a fossil.
Green chemistry, or sustainable chemistry, involves creation on the molecular level:
The correct answer is "the S layer may play a role in protecting cells from viruses and predatory bacteria found in nature but not in laboratory cultures".
The S-layer (surface layer) is a part of the cell's envelope comprised of of identical proteins or glycoproteins that could be found in archaes and some bacterias in nature. The function of the S-layer is unknown, however the fact that is only seen in nature suggest that it may play a role in protecting cells from viruses and predatory bacteria found in nature but not in laboratory cultures. It is likely that archaes and bacteria synthesize the S-layer when they recognize viruses and predatory bacteria in nature, the S-layer is not synthesized in laboratory cultures because these pathogens are not present.