The author likely include the section entitled "Changing Russia" C: To point out that the progress made under Nicholas ll contributed to the revolution, for more people were being educated and began demanding change
“Nicholas II” was the last emperor of Russia and was forcefully abdicated in 1917. He is believed to be a weak and incompetent ruler. He gave limited support to economic and political reforms. He was criticized for forced suppression of ‘Russian Revolution’ in 1905, for ‘Bloody Sunday’ and was even held responsible for the defeat in ‘Russo-Japanese war’.
Population was increasing at an increasing rate. The number of Russian university students increased from 5000 to 69000. There was increase in number of educational institutions leading to a substantial increase in educated population which then demanded change.
Then in 1917, Nicholas was forced to abdicated. He is believed to be a very biased leader of his times.