The main important ones are:
•Jupiter- the king of the gods, ruler of the skies.
•Neptune-the god of the sea.
•Pluto- the god of death and riches.
•Mars- the god of war.
•Mercury- the messenger of the gods, god of trading
•Vulcan- god of fire and forges
•Apollo- god of music, healing and prophecy.
•Juno-wife of Jupiter, goddess of women, marriage and fertility.
•Minerva- goddess of wisdom.
•Venus-goddess of love and beauty.
•Diana- goddess of the hunt.
•Ceres-the goddess of agriculture.
•Vesta- goddess of the home and hearth.
In the Declaration of Independence, the American colonists complained about the British government putting taxes on them without their voice being heard. Hence the phrase "no taxation without representation." This referred to the fact that the colonists had no one to represent them in the British parliament.
In today's US government, citizens have the chance to influence the laws created in the country. Citizens do this by voting for members of Congress. Congress is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives. These elected officials help to create nation laws/taxes. These officials are also supposed to represent the people who they serve. So, if Americans are not happy with any new tax laws/reforms, they can write, call, or meet their representative in order to express their concerns. The elected Congress person will take this into consideration when voting.
The Khmer Rouge were the one's that <span>took power in Cambodia immediately after Vietnam War</span>