Some third-party goals eventually become planks in the platforms of the major parties.
This treaty was a diplomatic milestone because it opened up US access to the port of New Orleans.
The Treaty of Pinckney, also known as the Treaty of Madrid, was created to establish a friendly relationship between Spain and the USA, allowing Americans to respect Spanish boundaries and colonies in North America, in addition to allowing both countries to have Mississippi river navigation rights. The great negotiators of these treaties were Thomas Pinckney and Don Manuel de Godoy, the treaty was a milestone in the world history of diplomacy, mainly because it allowed the USA to have access to the port of new orleans.
Jackson therefore led 2,000 troops across the border into Florida, seizing the town of St. Marks.
he captured both Arbuthnot and Ambrister, tried them, and sentenced them to death. Leaving two hundred troops behind to protect Fort Marks, Jackson left for Fort Gadsden.