Bulimia is not considered to be an anxiety disorder. However, is quite commonly co-occurs with anxiety disorders.
The possible consequence will be a condition level deficiency certificate for the health care facility.
The Joint Commission (TJC) will survey the health care facility, and after the summary of the survey findings report, they will give the health care facility a condition level deficiency certificate because the facility does not follow the regulations that the TJC has set.
A person with sickle cell anemia will have:
Fatigue and Anemia are the most common to occur if you have SCA.
Dactylitis (swelling and inflammation of the hands and/or feet) and Arthritis is also common most likely garenteed to happen.
Splenic Sequestration (sudden pooling of blood in the spleen) and Liver Congestion is fatal and needs to be treated right away.
I hope this helps you :)
Aneeds a full plan is needed because you just can't go off low calories alone she needs a chart for what she eats from morning noon and night and stick with diet and exercise is also a necessity