Hana-Saki-Jiji is fighting envy.
"The Story of the Old Man Who Made Withered Trees to Flower" shows a couple who have to deal with the envy and evil of their neighbors. That's because this couple gets many blessings and valuable things in their lives, through their dog. However, the jealous neighbor tries to get these blessings for him and ends up destroying everything good that the blessed neighbors have.
C and D i know because my dad owns a Business
Answer: In the prologue to The Man of Law's Tale, the Host notes that the morning is quickly passing. He turns to the Man of Law and, using his best legal language, exhorts him to fulfill his contract and acquit himself of his debt. The Man of Law protests that Chaucer has already written about all the good stories of the world and has left nothing else to be told, and, furthermore, he is a plain spoken man who will not use rhyme. The Man of Law introduces his tale as one he had heard from a merchant long ago, and, therefore, his tale will be about merchants.