Macbeth pretending to be a loyal servant of King Duncan but eventually murders him in order to steal the throne.
The recurring motif in <em>Macbeth </em>“Fair is foul, and foul is fair” means that looks can be deceptive as someone who has a good appearance or seems "fair" is actually bad or evil which is the opposite of being fair.
The words “Fair is foul, and foul is fair” was actually said by the witches when they were making incantations at the beginning of the play.
If you're asking which symbol would have this effect, it would be The medical kit, because you would need to be prepared for the emergency.
I'll help you out but you have to learn that you can't just have other people do your homework for you all time. You have to learn how to do your own work/research. I'm sorry to sound harsh but it's true.
Scout and Jem learn a few valuable lessons, even if they will understand these lessons later in life.
First, they learn that the black community is poor and have little compared to them. For instance, when they are at church, Reverend Sykes is trying to raise money to help Tom Robinson's family. It is not a huge amount of money, but there is a need.
Second, they also learn that many blacks cannot read. For example, they realize the blacks do not have hymn books. When they ask why, Calpurnia says that many of them cannot read. So, the song leader sings a line,...
In my opinion the topic of this book would have something to do with survival and to not give up at the hardest or lowest points