Helen of Troy is a greek legend with the suppossed most beautiful woman of greece and the indirect cause of the Trojan war. Shes the daughter of Zeus, either by Leida or by Nemsesis and sister of the Dosurci. Helen ran to Troywith paris who was the son of the Trojan king Priam. when Paris was slain, she married his brother Deiphobus, whom she betrayed to Menelaus when Troy was subsequently captured. Menelaus and she then returned to sparta, where they lived happily until their deaths
They were tasked with protecting the movement of trade goods. They also kept defense of the northern and western frontier against Indian and Mexican incursions, defense of the coast against Union invasion, and suppression of Union loyalists within Texas.
Fear drove action, because instead of acting in a just way which they would regualry do in a court trial, they acted unreasonably because they were scared. Many people died simply because they were <em>scared</em> that they were witches. Their fear drove them to the action of killing many inncoent people.
The answer is: <u><em>manifest destiny</em></u>
John L. O’Sullivan, Who worked as an editor of a magazine was the first one to use “manifest destiny” in 1845.
This concept stated that America has a right to expand across the whole continent so that they can become more powerful and independent.
It did not follow “separate but equal” rule