The correct answer is <span>Eisenhower
He believed that if a single country fell to a communist regime, they it would create an effect like dominoes that fall and that all others would fall down. That's the reason why the United States intervened in both Korea and Vietnam. Unlike Korea, the US weren't capable of preventing the victory of Communism in Vietnam.</span>
b ) The ships were at the mercy of the weather
The journey from Africa to the West Indies or North America Usually took about two months. However, the journey would take longer due to vagaries of bad weather that made navigation challenging
The correct answer is Ancient Egypt. The games were very different than what is played today as bowling, or different types of it, but the concept was the same, you would have a bunch of pins and a rolling ball and the goal was to put as many of them down as you can by rolling it.
Bogdan I, sau Bogdan Întemeietorul (în română: Bogdan Întemeietorul), a fost primul domnitor independent, sau voievod, al Moldovei în anii 1360. Inițial fusese voievodul sau șeful vlahilor din Maramureș în Regatul Ungariei. Bogdan și servitorii săi au părăsit Maramureșul în Moldova între 1359 și 1365. Moldova fusese sub stăpânirea lui Sas al Moldovei, vasal al lui Ludovic I al Ungariei, dar vlahii locali s-au opus suzeranității maghiare. Bogdan l-a alungat cu forta pe fiul lui Sas, Balc, si a pus mana pe tron. Ca răzbunare, Ludovic I a confiscat moșiile lui Bogdan în Maramureș în 1365. Bogdan a domnit ca prim voievod al Moldovei. Nu a acceptat domnia lui Ludovic I al Ungariei, transformând Moldova în al doilea principat român independent.