They saw truckloads of children, babies thrown into the fire, the crematorium, the burning pit.
Elie Wiesel's memoir "Night" recounts his experience as a Jewish prisoner during the Holocaust that became one of the greatest genocide in the history of the world. This book also became one of the most important witness accounts of the historical disaster.
When they were taken to the camp at Birkenau, the men and women and children were separated. Elie and his father were taken to the left while women were taken to the right. This separation would be the last time he would ever see his mother and sister. And later on, after the medical inspection by <em>"the notorious Dr. Mengele"</em>, while walking they saw a truck full of children, babies being driven and thrown into the <em>"crematorium"</em>, a burning pit. Elie recounts how he saw <em>"A truck drew close and unloaded its hold: small children. Babies!"</em> This was the horrific sight that he and his father along with the others saw on their march to the barracks in the first camp.
Many people hid in their homes and did not go outside of them because the disease was so easy to catch.
1.Aristotle was an orphaned at a young age.
2.Aristotle contributed to the classification of animals
I think it is Commander and Chief
He held this spot during the war before he became President of the US wich during the war they were not free so they could not have a leader so he was the Commander and Chief.
The Green Table which is a form of Ballet