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I guess the correct answer is price discrimination, Robinson-Patman Act
As a result of Hurricane Charley, the Green Mountain Lumber Co. decides to charge all Home Depots in Florida $25 per sheet of plywood while all Home Depots outside of Florida pay only $10 per sheet of plywood. The Green Mountain Lumber Co. can be charged with price discrimination, which is illegal under the Robinson-Patman Act.
Price discrimination is the act of charging different consumers different prices for the same product.
The Robinson-Patman Act (1936) makes it unlawful to practice price discrimination, where the effect may substantially lessen competition or help to create a monopoly
False ...................
What amount of the rebates, if any, can Big Homes deduct this year?
$19,500 if this amount is not material, Big Homes could continue offering rebates in next sells, in addition expects to pay the accrued rebates before filing their tax return for this year.
Answer: True
The subsidy will increase the supply of the good, and therefore the supply curve will shift to the right. Then its intersection with the demand curve will be located at a lower price and with a larger quantity.