D. They wanted to become farmers.
Since a significant amount of Mexico's population was illiterate before the Revolution, corridos served as an important form of oral tradition to spread news of events. During this tumultuous political time (1910-1920), most battles and major figures were commemorated using the song form.
The idea of representative government first developed in ancient Greece.
Ancient Athens is the craddle of democracy. In its golden age, a democratic system emerged in Athens. Free men could deliberate on public issues, though women and slaves were excluded.
Napoleon's empire collapsed because of the Continental System, the Peninsular War, and the invasion of Russia.<span> These events are widely viewed as three major mistakes that led to the weakening of his rule in Europe.
this power is identified with the self (atman) while othersregard<span> it as distinct from the self. Most </span>Hindus<span> agree that </span>Brahman<span> pervades everything although they </span>do<span> not worship </span><span>Brahman</span>