The opposition to immigration primarily relates to:
a. Unauthorized immigration
b. increased cultural diversity
c. insufficient natural resources
d. rapid over population and crowding
d. the xpansion of crime and unemployment.
The fear of unauthorized immigration stems from the fact that immigrant might not stop at ones country. The tendency to immigrate to other parts of Europe is very high.
Another reason for opposition to immigration was the fear that immigrants may alter the culture of the natives. Particular immigrants tend to stay in particular location as they arrive. Immigrants isolate themselves from the general population, forming organized communities where they live according to their culture and beliefs. Such enclave can distort the cultural, traditional and religion of the host.
Certain members of European nations believe that there is tendency to deplete the resources of the host nation. Immigrants will start giving birth on arrival and each new birth affects the resources of the nation.
This can lead to population explosion, because some members believe that a certain number of people are meant to stay over a certain space to reduce unhealthy competition and crowding, which might lead to waste and degradation of environment.
Overpopulation will ultimately lead to unemployment and increased in crime rate. There is a wide believe that immigrants cause increase in crime and other social vices. However, there has been contradicting findings as this is merely relative.