Can someone give me a poem that is 30 lines about LOTF(Lords of the Flies) Can be about the entire story or just a certain character.
The Topic/Main Idea/Subject
It would be qualitative because you are not researching for numbers or quantity.
Hope this helps :)
I feel that the Antony speech maybe would've been more moving.
<span>First off, the murder of Caesar was a traumatizing one (they stabbed
him like twenty seven times or somthing). I would've been on the conspirators sides
if they haven't done it so brutally. IT seemed as if though they did it
out of their own pleasure. Who stabs someone <em>twenty seven </em>times? </span>
Brutus's speech discusses how he loved Caesar (even though he stabbed
him, again, twenty seven times) and how he did it for the good of Rome.
With an ambitious ruler like Caesar, Rome would've become slaves to
him. However, Antony's speech says how he loved Caesar like all of Rome
and how he had helped all of them and how Brutus was a "honorable man"
(sarcasm ). I wouldn't have been moved by Brutus's speech because i had
KNOWN what had happened during the murder. I witnessed it. And how
different it was from out of love for Rome. It seemed more like out of
hatred for Caesar. </span>
We have always had stories. They were first told orally as fairy tales, folklore, and epic poems, and were eventually written down. And for as long as we have had stories, we’ve had literature. Stories are usually considered literature when they have long-lasting artistic or social value. Epic poems like The Odyssey or novels like To Kill a Mockingbird are considered literature because they have deeper meanings that go beyond the story. Both stories are meant to do more than just amuse the reader. A pop novel, like a James Patterson book you can buy at the airport, would not traditionally be considered literature because it is not meant to do much more than entertain the reader.
As we’ve transitioned from hearing stories to reading them, our ideas have changed about what kinds of stories have merit. We have always made a point to pass on the stories we value to next generation, regardless of their form. Therefore, it should not be so outrageous to declare that a new form of literature has been forged and needs to be passed on: television shows.
Television shows can be as complex as novels and can provide students with opportunities to learn that novels do not. Yet, there are legitimate concerns about using classroom time to dissect1 television. One issue is that complex television shows tend to have adult or graphic themes not suitable for the classroom. Another concern involves how much time students spend on television. Plenty of students already watch and discuss television in their own time, so is television needed in the classroom, too? Finally, the written word teaches cognitive2 skills that television cannot.