Answer: 1. Constantinople was the ideal location because it was located within a two mile radius of the population center of the known world. 2. Was surrounded by water (good for trading, fishing, etc.) 3. Had a good harbor.
It was easy to defend and to reach.
It was something about the mexican revolution.
I believe they are minutemen.
Solid white line
This line is made for emergency stopping, standing and parking. This is usually slightly narrower than the full traffic lane. This is used primarily for emegency or breakdown. Emergency vehicles can bypass the traffic congestion. This can also be used to allow general traffic during high volume traffic. This can also be used as sidewalks, pedestrians and cyclists to walk or ride. This can also help in the structural integrity of the road.
President Bush's reasons for going to war proved false
The main reason for the invasion of Iraq was the alleged development and usage of bio-chemical weapons by this Middle Eastern country. Representatives from the UN were sent to investigate it, but it turned out that the allegations were false, and that Iraq doesn't develop or have weapons of that type. The UN representatives though were not let to say what they find out and saw, and mysteriously they all died in very controversial accidents in the coming months. Bush's administration though had already set its sights on Iraq and invading it, so despite the allegations being false they attacked it, invaded it, killed their leader, and got hold onto their natural resources.