Description The Fermi paradox, named after Italian-American physicist Enrico Fermi, is the apparent contradiction between the lack of evidence for extraterrestrial civilizations and various high estimates for their probability. Michael H. Hart formalized the basic points of the argument in a 1975 paper.
The two parts of Malaysia are: The Peninsular Malaysia, that borders Thailand and the East Malaysia, which is mostly placed on the Borneo Island, shared with Indonesia.
They are divided by the South China Sea, so the correct answer is C. South China Sea
Mountains are created when two plates collide. When the plates converge or slide underneath each other the heat causes melting of the crust and volcanoes appear. When they cool off they become islands.
"hemi" means half so hemisphere is half of a sphere. Example: The equator divides the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere
this is because there are more developed services taking care of the old