The answers that apply in this case; considering how ancient life in Pompeii looked like, would be that there indeed were temples in the city of Pompeii - c, the city of Pompeii had shops and places to buy food - b. It is also possible that wealthy people sent their slaves to get water from the river every day; although it isn't necessarily the case.
Answer: b. The city of Pompeii had shops and places to buy food. <span>c. There were temples in the city of Pompeii. </span> Thermopolium is one of the places the people of Pompeii bought something hot. There are three renowned temples found in Pompeii: Temple of Isis, Temple of Apollo and Temple of Jupiter.
President Nixon's policy of measured troop withdrawals from Vietnam was done under his policy of "Peace with Honor" which sought to say that the US was limiting its forces, not surrendering.